See, B.1; Willis, A.2; Loftin, K31CEA-AGRI, UACES, YELLVILLE, AR, 72687
2CEA-Agri, UACES, Jasper, AR 72641, no state given,
3Professor- Entomology, CEA-AGRI, Little Rock, AR 72203, no state given,
A high population of horn flies can have a negative impact on the productivity and profitability of beef cattle enterprises. The efficacy and cost of a fly control treatment method can have an effect on these things as well. This demonstration was set in place to compare the efficacy and cost of two different horn fly control methods. The first method to discuss is the insecticide-impregnated ear tag. Secondly is the VetGun remote application method. An isolated beef herd was used for each treatment. Each method was used according to the protocol recommended by manufacturers. Fly population data was collected from 10 animals from each herd bi-weekly. Data was also collected from a control herd where no horn fly control treatment was used. Both methods were found to be effective in keeping fly populations below threshold throughout the season. However, they did differ in cost per head. It was found that the VetGun remote application method cost $19.95 per head and the insecticide-impregnated ear tag cost $5.99 per head. It is concluded that the insecticide-impregnated ear tag was the most cost-effective option between the two and was adequate in controlling the horn fly population.